Tuesday 11 September 2012

jump manual - the most extreme form of parachuting

BASE jumping (born «BASE-jumping», or «base-jumping»: «base» - reduction. Of «building», «antenna», «span» and «earth + jumping», jump) - the kind of extreme sport jumping with a parachute from a natural hill (the rocks), and high-rise buildings, antennas and bridges. The principal difference from other bass parachute disciplines is that the leap is from a stationary object and a small - compared to traditional skydiving - heights. In free fall athlete stays a little longer: an average of two to five seconds - then he should have time to open the parachute and landed softly. In gear beysera usually no reserve parachute. BASE is one of the most dangerous - even for extreme sports - discipline. According to the famous Russian beysera Yuri Kuznetsov, BASE jumping more "psychological sport", while the usual jumping from a plane - a very technical sport.
The history of BASE jumping

The first mention of devices, remotely resembling a modern parachute from the 12th century. For example, Chinese acrobats have used them as a means to slow the decline in the performance of the dizzying numbers. In the book, the Italian Fausto Verantsio Machinae Nova, published in the late 16th century., You can find a picture homo volans (flying man), descending by parachute from city tower. (It is believed that the picture painted by himself.) There are numerous legends about the enthusiasts of past times, trying to bring these ideas to life. All of them can be considered the precursors of today's beyserov as - for lack of aircraft - performed their jump manual workout chart from fixed objects.

Unofficial title of father of modern BASE jumping belongs to American Charles Benicia, did much to popularize this type of parachuting. In the 1960-1970-ies in the United States there have been several attempts to make a parachute jump from the cliffs and high-rise buildings. In the second half of the 1970s Behnisch, had already experienced parachutist, made the necessary mathematical calculations, which showed a jump from a fixed object in the subsequent fast enough chute opening is possible. Behnisch assembles a team of associates, conducts training and tests equipment.

August 8, 1978 - the birth of modern BASE jumping. Four beyserov led Behnisch made a jump to the famous cliffs of El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, USA. A little later came up with the name Benish new kind of air of extreme and became the publisher of the first specialized magazine - «BASE Magazine».

Behnisch coined the so-called BASE number. Is unique to the athlete who has committed to at least one jump from the four types of bass-objects. Near the Behnisch BASE № 4. His wife Gina and Associates Boenisch - BASE № 3. And the number one athlete went from Texas Phil Smith. In today's world, there are already about a thousand athletes with personal BASE number.

Besides the U.S., this kind of extreme air is very popular in Norway, Australia, France, Italy, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil and other countries, where there are numerous associations BASE jumpers. Beysery long since mastered the world famous elevation such as natural, the highest in the world, Angel Falls in Venezuela), and man-made (and the Eiffel Tower of Pisa, "Empire State Building", a giant statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro).

In August 2001 in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) hosted the first ever World Championship BASE jumping with 50 athletes from 16 countries, including Russia. Beysery jumped from the twin towers "Petronas Tower" - its highest skyscraper in the world today - competing for accuracy (it was necessary to get into a circle with a diameter of 11 m) and the time of landing. American champion was Johnny Uinklkotter.

From time to time, attempts to combine the BASE jumping to other sports. Beysery jump with snowboards, bicycles and so on. Recently, they are increasingly experimenting with so-called winged costumes (wingsuits), which opened beyserami unprecedented opportunities, primarily in the field of mining jumping.
Preparing beysera

BASE jumping originated after the invention of a rectangular parachute canopy, less cumbersome and more maneuverable relative to the wind than the spherical dome. BASE jumping - not just an extreme variation of the traditional skydiving, is, in fact, a fundamentally new sports discipline, puts forward special - sometimes very specific - requirements for equipment. For example, the canopy for BASE jumping should be not only big and strong, but also a slight possibility that it was easy to pick a place to jump. Currently, in many countries (especially in the U.S.), there are many companies that specialize in the production of BASE gear.

For lessons BASE jumping experience needed regular parachute jumps: Most bass associations require at least 100-150 jumps (although fixed some unique cases when beysera rookie was in the asset less than 10 jumps). There are age limits: as a rule, persons under 18 years of their studies BASE jumping is not allowed. The program of the standard training course is not only a detailed familiarity with the appropriate equipment and the gradual working out and jumping technique (separation from the object - the fall - the opening of the parachute - landing). It is equally important for the ability to correctly assess beysera object in terms of its suitability for the jump, and weather conditions. Type and personality structures from which to jump, and the strength and direction of the wind largely determine the active athlete

By themselves, the rocks and high-rise buildings, as well as places to land at their feet for the most part are not very suitable for jumping. According to estimates beyserov, often the cause of death of their comrades is a collision with an object. (This is the founder died in 1984, BASE jumping Carl Boenisch - after jumping from a cliff in Norway.) In addition, the risk of break down the slope or cliff walls of the building at the time of lifting the place to jump. Therefore beyser should possess certain skills in climbing.
Legal aspects of BASE jumping

In the relatively short history of BASE jumping was a lot of conflict with the law. For example, in the U.S., most suitable for beyserov rocks are located in national parks, so jump with them is strictly prohibited. Representatives of the National Park Service (NPS) have been fighting against infringers. American beysery arranged secret forays into the protected area, while "develop" the rocks in other countries where diving to mountain are more tolerant. One of the few exceptions to the strict rule in the United States - the so-called Feast of the bridge in the state of West Virginia. It is the world's largest legal BASE event on the bridge Georges Bridge annually attracts hundreds of athletes from around the world.

More complex relationship with the authorities in beyserov cities. For some athletes, is caught in the "crimes" in different parts of the world, was not limited to only one arrest and subsequent verbal suggestion.

Love beyserov to the antenna structures is explained not only by their attractive high (an average of 300 m and above), but also a fantastic location: usually in remote locations with minimal protection. Most often beysery go jumping alone or in small groups, and information on the newly found suitable sites spread only among themselves. Currently BASE Association are fighting for official recognition of his sport. And the organizers of last year's World Cup hopes in the near future to expand its geography and make such competitions every year.
BASE jumping in Russia

In Russia, BASE jumping is still a semi-legal status. Jumping from high buildings, teleradiomacht, industrial plants and other facilities formally covered by section of the Criminal Code of disorderly conduct. However, the number of domestic beyserov gradually increasing. They have repeatedly taken part in various international events. Among Russian BASE jumper - a truly legendary figures: such as Dmitri Kiselev or Yuri Kuznetsov, which is well known outside the country due to their footage while jumping photos and video.

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