Wednesday 12 September 2012

fat loss factor - quickly melt fat

I know, I know ... I hit just the right topic that interests you, right? But to be honest, it was not so difficult because the spring is the classic wake-up time. And not just the awakening of nature, birds and bears, as well as "campaigner" who, during the fall and winter bypassed the gym in a wide arc and accumulated fat stores (as if they would need for something!) - So they are now happy to resolve and come to the beach "chiseled" and fit. The story told a thousand times ...

But despite what you than me "without mercy" get the unit from advocacy of such (non) approach to health and fitness, I have to be realistic and accept it as something that will probably never change. And good luck to you, now I will not stop at that but I'll go one step further and actually help to maintain and fat melt as quickly and efficiently! Is that right? Then let's get to work ...

Because I "heart vapor" seeing a bunch of people trying to accomplish something relatively simple (though not easy, that I might not understand wrong ...), and never fail at it!
So once and for all answer the question: "Is it possible to melt fat much faster than it would otherwise be the case?" And if so, how?
To better understand my frustration regarding weight loss attempts that day I have the opportunity to see at gyms, athletic facilities, jogging trails, parks, etc., I'll give you a simple example:

Imagine a huge vat full of water at its bottom has five openings. All openings are occluded, and your task is to empty a barrel in a short time. What do you do? I presume there will unclog the five holes for the water as quickly expired, right? But instead, you uncork just one or two and wait for twice or three times longer than you should!?! So right it's not for you pluck hair ...?!

E see, this is exactly what happens to 90% of people who try to lose weight and melt fat! In general, people are opting for this one way or the melting of fat (usually as either the diet or some form of exercise), instead opt for full access! Because, why not limit the effect of 30-40% if you can get all 100%? Or travel at a speed of 50 km / h if you can go 150 per hour!?

Therefore, extremely fast fat burning is possible, but this requires an integrated approach and focusing on the most effective elements! Weight Loss using only child, using only the training, just using some kind of treatment, etc. - not even half as effective as the overall approach to the problem!

In other words, if you really want to maximize rapid effects of fat you have to attack on all fronts - at the same time!

And what are the front ...? Well, this is where I come into play, and you can just relax and "enjoy the ride" because when you go to lose weight extremely fast access you will need every atom of strength and self-discipline that you have in yourself ...

First, we will cover the three most important elements for fast fat burning .

I know you've probably guessed this element, but you do not have to give a high five because it was fairly obvious to anyone who regularly follows this and similar portals. But what was less obvious (even for much of the fitness of the population) is that a diet that accelerates fat burning foods should be based on the :

high thermal effect,
low glycemic index and
a high proportion of fiber in it.
And as much as it may sound complicated and professionally, is actually quite simple when you're talking about the "simplest" vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, beets, cabbage, kale, lettuce, cucumber, peppers, zucchini, etc.) and excellent sources of protein (fish, meat, chicken, turkey, eggs, fresh cheese ...).

In fact, those very few foods cause the most effect on the body that can possibly want from their food: metabolizers, keeping insulin levels stable, improving digestion and elimination of toxins from the body, increasing the likelihood and frequency of the "opening" of fat cells and the use of fatty acids as energy sources, etc. And in addition to all this, these foods are usually (very) low-calorie, so you will not have to worry about the amount of your meal than you can eat a lot more relaxed than usual ...

And certainly what I must emphasize: If you diet (during those 3-4 months, which will be "set apart" for the rapid elimination of fats from itself) 90% is comprised of these foods (I say 90% because now and then you - even you - eat something off plan to not "broke" before the time), your goal should be - to eat as often as possible! Specifically, these foods are "pushed" the body in the right direction (the physiological-chemical level) so much better then to push it as much as possible (5-6 times daily vs. 2-3 x per day) - because in this way you will get faster there!

For this element I'm sure that you were willing to "put your hand in the fire," I bet you will be listed as one of the top three! But a key question has never been "training - yes or no? ' The key question is: "Training - what kind?"

Aerobic? Anaerobic? Light athletic? Teškoatletski? -Acrobatic gymnastics? Dance choreography? Combat? Pilates? Yoga? Strongman? HIIT? MMA? EDT? GVT? SAQ ...?

"Lupita heart" three letters of the alphabet and it is likely that you have "guessed" some type of training because there are so many available. Yet, when it comes to rapid weight loss, the best of them all is - Metabolic training !

It's kind of a mix of strength training and endurance training , and the three most important causes which effect you want to achieve in the process of melting fat, and they are:

Accelerate the basal metabolic rate (up to 24, 48 or more hours after a period of training)!
Building quality muscle tissue!
Spending large amounts of calories during the workout!
An example of such a metabolic workout may be:

Sprint 100 meters
Squat + vertical thrust, dumbbells / 10 reps
Sprint 100 meters
Renegade Row (alternately rowing, pushups in the position), dumbbells / 5 +5 reps
Sprint 100 meters
Pushups / 20 reps
All over again ...

5 minutes without stopping, in order to make it more "rounds" at a given time. The 5 minutes of a 1 series. Make a 2-3 series in training - and go home with the good people of Emergency ...? (For many similar training click here )

Believe me, this type of training is all you need. Apply it 3-4 times a week (Mon-Wed-Fri or Mon-Tue-Thu-Fri) for a period of 30-45 minutes. And in the days without training to better rest - as you will need ...

Of course, if you are above example preintenzivan training for your current state of fitness - customize it yourself! Use the same principle, but the load dozirajte according to their own abilities. And always - but not always - use common sense, and the ego "leave home"!

As I mentioned a little earlier, in the days without training, a high quality body regenerate. Because if you mess up there and do not provide adequate conditions and recovery time, the full story will go much, much slower than it could! And the reason why they are reading this article is to melt fat faster, not slower, right?

To do that, your recovery should consist of several elements:

Posttrenažnog quality meal (within 60 minutes of completion of training)
Quality of sleep during the night (7-9h) and the brief afternoon nap (30-60 min)
Everyday in the sun and fresh air, and relax the body and mind whenever possible (while avoiding stress and pushing my hot buttons)
Occasionally going to the pool (with the aim of relieving the burden of the spine and joints from the effects of gravity and the training load)
Occasionally going to the sauna (with the goal of relaxation and excretion of toxins from the body)
Occasionally going to a massage (with the aim to regenerate muscle and connective tissue)
Of all these elements, quality sleep and stay in the sun and fresh air are absolutely the most important because repeated every day and have the greatest cumulative effect. But other elements have a great effect on the recovery of bodies from the training (and other life commitments) and apply them whenever you have the chance.

These are therefore the three most important elements for fast fat burning, and if there are well disciplined and apply in your fat-loss process - you will achieve 90% of the desired effects in the shortest possible time! But since this is a maximally efficient and maximally fast fat burning - it is time that we get through the speed and other elements that can help to achieve this goal.

The first two of them are - supplements (food supplements) and cosmetics ! Both elements are you probably very well known for the simple reason that - aggressively advertised! However, their contribution to the overall weight loss process is still - relatively small (3-5%)! I know that for many it's not good to hear, but it was just so. And the reason why the masses of people still go on buying various treatments and dietary supplements-variety is quite simple: the commotion! It is much easier to drink a pill or a "grant" that someone "treats" creams and who knows what - but watch the daily diet, "killing is like a horse" in training and think of the recovery of the body! (Give me a break ... Who are you with that tease ...?)

The next element is rarely on the side of those who are in the process of melting fat, and in fact is very important! In short, it's about supporting the environment ! In fact, we all know that the psychology of everything (including the weight loss process) is a significant factor, and if we have a positive attitude about the final outcome of what we do - and most likely will end up!

That's why, when you're in the process of weight loss try to surround yourself with people who support you and who genuinely want you to succeed in your goal. Because you have someone "up" when you are weak and on the verge of giving up - often means the difference between the final success or failure! And if on the other hand are in a situation that you have to go all by yourself, then you at least do a great service and - eliminate the "bad guys" around! (I am sure that you will notice if you look closely) They are the "killers of faith in the success of" the weight on your feet that you should not be.

And the last element (but only in the order - certainly not least!) Is patience ! As Charles de Montesquieu wisely said: "Success in most things depends on it - do you know how long it takes to get ga", so you know in advance the pounds and fat can not go away overnight. Because, really achieve visible progress in the structure and form of your body (so visible to you all your friends are anxiously wondering what's going on?),

 The 3-4 months of continuous work on it! Particularly emphasize this "continuous" because progress comes in waves (These are your body attempts to deceive you and gives to it that you do not change the situation in which the habit) and only those who are persistent in the period when the results are not adequate for their efforts to - to get to the finish line!

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