Tuesday 4 September 2012

31 day fat loss cure - External Yeast Infection

In recent years, scientists have discovered that the traditional way of thinking fats found something wrong. There was a time that each type of fat is unhealthy and eat something high in fat is just down the road to send all kinds of diseases. Organ failure after cardiac arrest diabetes But modern science holds that all fats are the same and not all fats are bad for you. There are also good fats.

The two types of fats that you hear so much on advertising fatty acids are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are usually in the fight against diseases that humans were thought to be caused by a type of fat in the diet. But unsaturated fats are now considered to be beneficial in reducing cholesterol. Research results suggest that monounsaturated fatty acids. Better than polyunsaturated fats, which are less stable and lower levels of good cholesterol and bad cholesterol Current dietary recommendations simply pointed out the unsaturated fats in foods, especially fish oil and vegetable oils. Olive oil touted to be very healthy, as in the
Mediterranean diet has many popular diets with olives and olive oil.

The researchers found, to protect even a meal rich in saturated
31 day fat loss cure pdf quickly reduce the ability of good cholesterol in the arteries of the onslaught of bad fats, as a simple meal should contain unsaturated fatty acids to combat the effects. Many people may think that the best way to balance a meal rich in saturated fats would be to use a good dose of olive oil in the kitchen. But a study published recently in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology and partially funded by the California Walnut Commission reports that can protect a handful of nuts arteries against the shock of a meal rich in saturated fats.

The study was conducted in 24 adults who were normal weight and not smoking. Half of the participants had normal cholesterol levels, and the other half moderately high cholesterol but not on any medication for lowering cholesterol. The participants of the study group both identical meals were taken one week apart-a. Salami and cheese sandwich on white bread and a serving of whole milk yogurt for meals, half of the subjects received eight walnuts with their meal, while the other half were given five teaspoons of oil olive. For the second, healthy meal of fat people went additions that have been given for the first time were walnut oil, and perhaps vice versa.

The tests showed that the two nuts and olive oil reduces the onset of oxidation and inflammation of the arteries participants after they ate the high-fat meal. But surprisingly, the arteries of the participants who ate nuts remained more flexible than those of olive oil, regardless of cholesterol levels from participants points. The researchers decided to study, there is a difference due to the fact have been caused as nuts contain plant omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid, which helps HDL shot inch clearing arteries and reduce inflammation.

Numerous studies have shown that different types of nuts help lower LDL cholesterol, and the FDA has issued statements indicating that nuts, especially walnuts, almonds, pecans, pistachios, hazelnuts, and a healthy heart addition to the diet-peanuts. A Spanish study showed that the improvement of adding nuts to a Mediterranean diet contributes to the functioning of blood vessels and helps prevent hardening of the arteries. The researchers of this study showed that the addition of nuts, especially walnuts diet may improve cardiovascular health, in addition to improving simply lowering cholesterol less seen. 


Although there are many dietary factors that can help reduce cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health may be, there is a simple and delicious thing you can do. The next time you feel the need to reach a bag of chips, rather than reaching for a handful of nuts.
Your heart will thank you.

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